Thursday, May 10, 2012

Please Help!

Yeah, so this is my first post on my first blog.
Anyway, I was hoping to get an opinion on something. My family (there are four of us) only has two computers, and we are constantly wadging war on who is using them. Basically, we need another one or two too keep the peace.

I've been trying to save up some money to buy my own laptop, but I only have about half of what I need, I don't get an allowance, and I don't have a job. My brother has said that mom and dad should just buy him his own, personal, exclusive computer and our problems will be solved.

I'm rooting for the idea of my parents putting up the other half for me to buy a computer, and just keeping it in my room but letting them use it whenever the other computers are occupied. My dad will get cards to different stores from his company, and he has like $600 for Best Buy that he hasn't used. We could easly just use $200 - $250 from that and most of our issues would be solved, and there would probably be enough (or close to it) to even buy another laptop if we chose to do so.

Maybe I'm just too close to the situation to see things clearly, but I think that my brother wanting his own, exclusive computer is a bit selfish and a terrible idea.

Over the years, this boy has gotten my parents to buy for him an x-box, a wii, a game cube, two DSs (he lost one), and more games than I care to count. He has also broken his glasses at least five times (most of which in the same year) and probably more than that, not to mention loosing his phone at least once.

He also hasn't had good grades. They have basically sucked, and having a computer in his room where he knows no one can catch him playing Minecraft and going on youtube instead of doing homework is not going to improve them.

Next year he will be in his Jounior year of highschool, the hardest, or so I've heard from everyone.

Am I right to say that him asking for an exclusive (and I stress this because it makes me mad) computer that he wouldn't be paying for in the least is selfish? His grades, I can promise you, won't be helped at all by having his own computer.

Right now, I have all As on my report card. My grade point average is a 3.99 if you don't count weighted classes (I got one B for the first simester of math) and I haven't asked for nearly as much. I would also be paying for half of the computer, if my parents decide to go with my sugestion of what to do.

My brother has at least one F and I'm not sure what his grade point average is (he hasn't wanted me to see, which speaks for itself) though I know it's below a 3. I help him with his English homework even though he is older than me. His grades would suffer even more with a computer, and he would probably become more spoiled and annoying.

Am I speaking nonsense? My parents haven't been exactly receptive to my idea, but are they doing that because it sucks or for some other reason?

Please tell me what you all think of this.